Its probably not UTF-8 if it contains Turkish characters. That's why base64
encoding / decoding it might help.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 4:22 PM, Radoslaw Gruchalski <>

> Are you sure your string is in utf-8 in the first place?
> What if you pass your string via something like:
> System.out.println( new String( args[0].getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF8),
> StandardCharsets.UTF8) )
> –
> Best regards,
> Radek Gruchalski
> On November 9, 2016 at 12:14:03 PM, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) (
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Producer Side//
> Properties props = *new* Properties();
> props.put("", brokerList);
> props.put("serializer.class", “kafka.serializer.StringEncoder”);
> props.put("request.required.acks", "1");
> Consumer side//
> I am using Spark Streaming Kafka API, I also try with Kafka CLI and Java
> kafka api but I always face with same issue.
> Thanks
> *From:* Radoslaw Gruchalski []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:49 PM
> *To:* Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji);
> *Subject:* Re: Kafka UTF 8 encoding problem
> Baris,
> Kafka does not care about encoding, everything is transported as bytes.
> What’s the configueration of your producer / consumer?
> Are you using Java / JVM?
> –
> Best regards,
> Radek Gruchalski
> On November 9, 2016 at 11:42:02 AM, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) (
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are using Kafka 0,9.0.0 and we want to send our messages to topic in
> UTF-8 format but when we consume the messages from topic we saw that kafka
> does not keep the original utf-8 format and we did not see the messages
> exactly.
> For example our message that includes turkish characters is "Barış" but
> when we consume it we saw Bar?? . How can we solve that problem? Is there
> any way to set kafka topic encoding?
> Thanks
> Barış
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