It's the org.apache.kafka.streams.integration.utils.EmbeddedKafkaCluster (start 
ZK and calls org.apache.kafka.streams.integration.utils.KafkaEmbedded to start 
So these are embedded in the sense that it's not another process, just threads 
within the main streams test process.


> On 11 Nov 2016, at 16:26, Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
> Hey Eno,
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> In the meantime, is it possible to just send a sigterm / kill -9 which just
> kills the zookeeper + kafka? I can figure out how to do it if you can point
> out which class / method creates the processes / threads.
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Eno Thereska <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ali,
>> You're right, shutting down the broker and ZK is expensive. We kept the
>> number of integration tests relatively small (and pushed some more tests as
>> system tests, while doing as many as possible as unit tests). It's not just
>> the shutdown that's expensive, it's also the starting up unfortunately.
>> It's on our todo list to do something about this, but we haven't gotten
>> there yet. If someone from the community wants to have a look and help out,
>> that'd be great (with a JIRA and PR).
>> About the second problem with ZK logs, this is being worked on as part of
>> removing the ZK dependency from streams and should be merged shortly:
>> <
>> kafka/pull/1884>. The msg you see does not affect correctness, it's just
>> annoying and it will go away.
>> Thanks,
>> Eno
>>> On 11 Nov 2016, at 14:28, Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
>>> I have some unit tests in which I create an embedded single broker kafka
>>> cluster, using :
>>> from
>> master/kafka-streams/src/test/java/io/confluent/examples/streams/kafka/
>>> That class also creates an embedded zookeeper cluster / instance.
>>> The problem is, while the tests run pretty fast and pass, they then stay
>>> stuck in the 'teardown / clean up' stage for a really long time, often
>> upto
>>> 10-20
>>> seconds per test.
>>> As I have a lot of test classes, each class creating its own embedded
>> kafka
>>> cluster, this time can really add up during compiles.
>>> Is it possible to get these test classes to not do any clean up / safety
>>> stuff, because the instances are just throwaway. Just have them kill -9
>> the
>>> kafka / zookeeper and exit?
>>> It doesn't make any sense that tests pass within seconds, but can't move
>> on
>>> to the next test class because its cleaning up.
>>> I also have an embedded cassandra instance in these tests, but I don't
>>> think that one is the problem, as i see a lot of zookeeper logs such as
>>> these after the test runs:
>>> 133764 [main-SendThread(] WARN
>>> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn  - Session 0x15853c3497f0001 for server
>>> null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting
>> reconnect
>>> Connection refused
>>> at Method)
>>> at
>>> at
>>> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNIO.doTransport(
>>> at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$
>>> Could it be that zookeeper doesn't exit and keeps retrying to connect?

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