In the last email I should have mentioned: don't pay too much attention to the 
code snippet, and after reviewing it, I can see it actually incomplete (I 
forgot to include the section where I configure the topics and broker configs 
to talk to Kafka!).

What I'm really concerned about is that before we added all these SSL configs, 
I had plaintext (plaintext:9092 in/out of the load balancer to/from Kafka) 
working fine. Now my consumer code can't even connect to the load 

So I guess what I was really asking was: does that exception 
(ClosedChannelException) indicate bad configs on the Kafka broker?

From: Zac Harvey <>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2016 4:44:06 PM
Subject: Can Kafka/SSL be terminated at a load balancer?

We have two Kafka nodes and for reasons outside of this question, would like to 
set up a load balancer to terminate SSL with producers (clients). The SSL cert 
hosted by the load balancer will be signed by trusted/root CA that clients 
should natively trust.

Is this possible to do, or does Kafka somehow require SSL to be setup directly 
on the Kafka servers themselves?


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