The new host has been in place for over a week. Lag is still high on partitions 
that exist on that new host.  Should I attempt another reassign?


> On Dec 13, 2016, at 5:43 PM, Apurva Mehta <> wrote:
> How did you add the host and when did you measure the lag? If you used the
> reassign-partitions script, it will move partitions to the new host, but
> the data copy will take time. in that period, those partitions will lag.
> However, once the reassign-partitions script finishes, the partitions on
> the new replica should be caught up and no longer demonstrate any lag.
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Jeremy Hansen <> wrote:
>> Here’s the topic description:
>> Topic:blumfrub  PartitionCount:15       ReplicationFactor:5     Configs:
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 0    Leader: 1001    Replicas:
>> 1001,0,1,2,3  Isr: 0,1001,1,2,3
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 1    Leader: 0       Replicas:
>> 0,1,2,3,4     Isr: 0,1,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 2    Leader: 1       Replicas:
>> 1,2,3,4,1001  Isr: 1001,1,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 3    Leader: 2       Replicas:
>> 2,3,4,1001,0  Isr: 0,1001,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 4    Leader: 0       Replicas:
>> 3,4,1001,0,1  Isr: 0,1001,1,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 5    Leader: 4       Replicas:
>> 4,1001,0,1,2  Isr: 0,1001,1,2,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 6    Leader: 1001    Replicas:
>> 1001,1,2,3,4  Isr: 1001,1,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 7    Leader: 0       Replicas:
>> 0,2,3,4,1001  Isr: 0,1001,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 8    Leader: 1       Replicas:
>> 1,3,4,1001,0  Isr: 0,1001,1,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 9    Leader: 2       Replicas:
>> 2,4,1001,0,1  Isr: 0,1001,1,2,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 10   Leader: 0       Replicas:
>> 3,1001,0,1,2  Isr: 0,1001,1,2,3
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 11   Leader: 4       Replicas:
>> 4,0,1,2,3     Isr: 0,1,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 12   Leader: 1001    Replicas:
>> 1001,2,3,4,0  Isr: 0,1001,2,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 13   Leader: 0       Replicas:
>> 0,3,4,1001,1  Isr: 0,1001,1,3,4
>>        Topic: blumfrub Partition: 14   Leader: 1       Replicas:
>> 1,4,1001,0,2  Isr: 0,1001,1,2,4
>> 1001 is the new broker.
>> -jeremy
>>> On Dec 9, 2016, at 8:55 PM, Jeremy Hansen <> wrote:
>>> I added a new host to kafka.  Partitions that fall on this new host have
>> a very high lag and I’m trying to understand why this would be and how to
>> fix it.
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              0
>> 5434682         7416933         1982251
>> com-1481225033576-47393b55-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              1
>> 7416828         7416875         47    
>> com-1481225033769-17152bca-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              2
>> 7416799         7416848         49    
>> com-1481225033791-77a30285-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              3
>> 7416898         7416903         5     
>> com-1481225033822-d088f844-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              4
>> 7416891         7416925         34    
>> com-1481225033846-78f8e5b5-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              5
>> 7416843         7416883         40    
>> com-1481225033869-54027178-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              6
>> 5434720         7416896         1982176
>> com-1481225033891-cc3f6bf6-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              7
>> 7416896         7416954         58    
>> com-1481225033915-79b49de8-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              8
>> 7416849         7416898         49    
>> com-1481225033939-1fe784c0-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              9
>> 7416898         7416917         19    
>> com-1481225033961-40cc3185-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              10
>> 35457186        35457221        35    
>> com-1481225033998-a817062e-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              11
>> 7416866         7416909         43    
>> com-1481225034020-7a15999e-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              12
>> 5434739         7416907         1982168
>> com-1481225034043-badde97c-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              13
>> 7416818         7416865         47    
>> com-1481225034066-6e77e3dc-0
>>> iloveconsuming                      blumfrub              14
>> 7416901         7416947         46    
>> com-1481225107317-32355c51-0
>>> Why do the partitions that fall on the newly added host so lagged?
>>> Thanks
>>> -jeremy

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