Interesting. Your sys time is sub-sec and user-time is 1s (which is what
I'm seeing), but "real" time is 11 sec which is really significant.
Is the machine super loaded, or running something at a high priority that
prevents you from accessing CPU?

Maybe you can check the system load with vmstat or top


On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 7:21 AM, Stephen Cresswell <> wrote:

> I followed the quickstart instructions at
> and everything seems to be working ok,
> except that commands take a long time to run, e.g.
> $ time bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
> real 0m11.751s
> user 0m1.540s
> sys 0m0.273s
> The zookeeper logging shows that the request is processed in a few
> milliseconds, so I think it's related to the kafka JVM configuration. If I
> remove it's takes 6 seconds but this is still
> much longer than I would have expected.
> Any suggestions on how to speed things up?

*Gwen Shapira*
Product Manager | Confluent
650.450.2760 | @gwenshap
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