Quick update: digging into Zookeeper data, we observed that the /brokers/ids 
path was empty. Restarting the kafka nodes repopulated zookeeper data, and now 
the error is gone (we are able to create new topics).

We didn’t alter data in Zookeeper manually, but recently we added 2 nodes to a 
3 nodes zookeeper cluster. Also, we had a network partitioning issue in the 
past. Could any of these be the reason for the lost ZK data?

Any other hints on what may have generated the data loss in ZK?


> On 28 Dec 2016, at 10:00, Alex Eftimie <alex.efti...@getyourguide.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We recently migrated from Kafka 0.8 to 0.10, while keeping the log format and 
> internal communication at 0.9 version[1]. We have a cluster of two nodes 
> which is working correctly for 10 topics (producers/consumers work fine). 
> Trying to create a new topic raises: 
>     kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper zknode:2181 --create --replication-factor 1 
> --partitions 2 --topic newtopic
>     Error while executing topic command : replication factor: 1 larger than 
> available brokers: 0
>     [2016-12-28 09:30:02,177] ERROR 
> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidReplicationFactorException: replication 
> factor: 1 larger than available brokers: 0
>  (kafka.admin.TopicCommand$)
> There are two available brokers, so this must be a different error hidden 
> behind this error message. There’s nothing in the log file. 
> Where should we start investigating?
> Thanks,
> Alex Eftimie
> Software Engineer DevOps
> [1]
> kafka version:
> # config:
> inter.broker.protocol.version=
> log.message.format.version=



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