
with a little more effort you can try to make your stream application idempotent. Maybe giving you the same results. Say you want to aggregate a KStream by some key. Instead of keeping the aggregate, you keep a Set of raw values and then do the aggregate calculations
with a map().

This is very much more resource intensive as you have quite some O(n^2) statechange logs etc + the framework is not really friendly helping you with that. With caching you can hopefully spare quite a good chunk of the quadratic properties but it can act as an exactly once processing.

Best Jan

On 30.01.2017 05:13, Mahendra Kariya wrote:
Hey All,

I am new to Kafka streams. From the documentation
it is pretty much clear that streams support at least once semantics. But I
couldn't find details about how this is supported. I am interested in
knowing the finer details / design of this.

Is there some documentation around this?
Is there some documentation around what semantics are followed by the
various Kafka streams examples
available on Github? Do all of them follow at least once?


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