Hi Sachin,

The new streams metrics are now documented at 
<https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#kafka_streams_monitoring>. Note that 
not all of them are turned on by default. 

We have several benchmarks that run nightly to monitor streams performance. 
They all stem from the SimpleBenchmark.java benchmark. In addition, their 
results are published nightly here http://testing.confluent.io 
<http://testing.confluent.io/>, (e.g., under the trunk results). E.g., looking 
at today's results:
(if you search for "benchmarks.streams") you'll see results from a series of 
benchmarks, ranging from simply consuming, to simple topologies with a source 
and sink, to joins and count aggregate. These run on AWS nightly, but you can 
also run manually on your setup.

In addition, programmatically the code can check the KafkaStreams.state() and 
register listeners for when the state changes. For example, the state can 
change from "running" to "rebalancing".

It is likely we'll need more metrics moving forward and would be great to get 
feedback from the community.


> On 2 Mar 2017, at 11:54, Sachin Mittal <sjmit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I had few questions regarding monitoring of kafka streams application and
> what are some important metrics we should collect in our case.
> Just a brief overview, we have a single thread application (
> reading from single partition topic and it is working all fine.
> Then we have same application (using multi threaded with 4
> threads per machine and 3 machines cluster setup reading for same but
> partitioned topic (12 partitions).
> Thus we have each thread processing single partition same case as earlier
> one.
> The new setup also works fine in steady state, but under load somehow it
> triggers frequent re-balance and then we run into all sort of issues like
> stream thread dying due to CommitFailedException or entering into deadlock
> state.
> After a while we restart all the instances then it works fine for a while
> and again we get the same problem and it goes on.
> 1. So just to monitor, like when first thread fails what would be some
> important metrics we should be collecting to get some sense of whats going
> on?
> 2. Is there any metric that tells time elapsed between successive poll
> requests, so we can monitor that?
> Also I did monitor rocksdb put and fetch times for these 2 instances and
> here is the output I get:
> $>get -s  -b 
> kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1
> key-table-put-avg-latency-ms
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1:
> 206431.7497615029
> $>get -s  -b 
> kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1
> key-table-fetch-avg-latency-ms
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1:
> 2595394.2746129474
> $>get -s  -b 
> kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1
> key-table-put-qps
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1:
> 232.86299499317252
> $>get -s  -b 
> kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1
> key-table-fetch-qps
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-advice-1-StreamThread-1:
> 373.61071016166284
> Same values for I get
> $>get -s -b kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1
> key-table-put-latency-avg
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1:
> 1199859.5535022356
> $>get -s -b kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1
> key-table-fetch-latency-avg
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1:
> 3679340.80748852
> $>get -s -b kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1
> key-table-put-rate
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1:
> 56.134778706069184
> $>get -s -b kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1
> key-table-fetch-rate
> #mbean = kafka.streams:type=stream-rocksdb-window-metrics,client-
> id=new-part-advice-d1094e71-0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1:
> 136.10721427931827
> I notice that result in 10.2.0 is much worse than same for 10.1.1
> I would like to know
> 1. Is there any benchmark on rocksdb as at what rate/latency it should be
> doing put/fetch operations.
> 2. What could be the cause of inferior numbers in 10.2.0, is it because
> this application is also running three other threads doing the same thing.
> 3. Also whats with the name new-part-advice-d1094e71-
> 0f59-45e8-98f4-477f9444aa91-StreamThread-1
>    I wanted to put this as a part of my cronjob, so why can't we have
> simpler name like we have in 10.1.1, so it is easy to write the script.
> Thanks
> Sachin

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