I ran into an issue with kafka where the leader was set to -1 :

Topic:AP-100    PartitionCount:5        ReplicationFactor:3     
        Topic: AP-100  Partition: 0    Leader: 26      Replicas: 26,24,25      
Isr: 24,26,25
        Topic: AP-100   Partition: 1    Leader: 22      Replicas: 22,25,26      
Isr: 22,26,25
        Topic: AP-100   Partition: 2    Leader: 23      Replicas: 23,26,22      
Isr: 26,22,23
        Topic: AP-100   Partition: 3    Leader: 24      Replicas: 24,22,23      
Isr: 24,22,23
        Topic: AP-100   Partition: 4    Leader: -1      Replicas: 25,23,24      
Isr: 24

What is the best way to fix this?

Thank you,

Tyler Scoville

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