As of now, kafka doesn't have the capability to automatically migrate
followers to other brokers.
We have to use script.

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 2:15 AM, Ramanan, Buvana (Nokia - US/Murray Hill) <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a 6 broker cluster, configured with auto.leader.rebalance.enable=false.
> The broker ids are 1 thru 6.
> I have about 160 partitions for which I assigned the replicas to be 1,2,3
> (1 is the leader). When broker-2 underwent a controlled shutdown, the
> ' -describe' command showed the ISRs for these partitions to
> be 1,3, which is an expected outcome.
> In case broker-2 is never going to come back alive, will Kafka be able to
> automatically elect a new follower in the place of broker-2? In other
> words, just like how a new leader is elected for a partition when its
> leader goes down, is there a possibility that a new follower is chosen from
> the list of available brokers?
> I understand that I can manually specify a new replica set and use
> to execute the reassignment. But I am looking
> to see if Kafka does any follower assignment by itself.
> Thanks,
> Buvana

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