you can run as a background process by passing "-daemon" option to script. This script uses nohup to run as background process.
ex: -daemon ... ... On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Greenhorn Techie < > wrote: > Hi, > > I am still novice to Kafka and hence this rudimentary question. > > When I run MirrorMaker process from a bash cli, the cli prompt doesn't > return once I run the MirrorMaker command. Does that mean, I should only > run MirrorMaker as a background process if I need to have it running all > the time? We are backing up Kafka data from one cluster to another and > using MirrorMaker for the same. Hence this is needed to be running all the > time once initiated. > > I am running it by passing nohup signal as well to the MirrorMaker command. > > Thanks >