This sound exactly similar to what I experienced in the similar scenario.

Can you please take a look at the File System time stamp of the actual log
files on one of the broker hosts ?

For me when I restarted the new brokers with version 0.10.0 it changes to
current ts. Meaning if I have set 48 hrs of retention window, the file
which is about to get deleted is stamped with latest ts so it will be
scheduled to be deleted 48 hrs later. More times you restart the broker it
will push deletion operation further into future. So this will lead to
additional data retained on the disk.

I posted the same question to which I was told it should be fixed in 0.10.1
but I observed same behaviour.
Apparently the change from 0.8 to 0.10 is that, the file ts of the log
chunk is not more taken into consideration but the time stamp with in the
message as set by new protocol is used and it is backward compatible,
meaning 0.8 logs files will be treated for their actual file TS. But does
not look like in practical.

Here are solutions I used.

1. Reduce the retention period if you can so the disk will still hold the
logs till they expire in near future after which things become smooth
2. Use log.retention.bytes option for brokers to limit size of the logs

My request is that this should be clearly added to documentation of

Hope this helps.

On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 7:46 PM, <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Since we upgraded from Kafka 0.8 to Kafka0.10.1, our brokers are using
> 100% of our disk capacity (100% util in iostat), with from 100MB/s to
> 1000MB/s constant read stats.
> It’s been half a week now, and usage is not decreasing. Note that we
> didn’t experience that before the upgrade.
> There’s nothing particularly helpful in the logs (except the fact that we
> have corrupted index files at startup that kafka recreated corrupted again,
> but it was already present in Kafka 0.8).
> It leads to a fairly high amount of CPU iowait, in all our environments.
> Even weirder thing is that the usage is not exactly the same on all
> brokers. In first one, we have 100MB/s, 200MB/s for the 2nd one, and
> 1000MB/s for the 3rd one, all of them having the same datastore, same
> disk speed.
> With htop, I can see that only one Java thread is doing that, but I’m not
> sure how to gather much info about it.
> Can you help ?
> Thanks,
> Guillaume
> *Guillaume FENOLLAR*
> Prestataire pour DSI/ESI
> Société Le Nickel - SLN
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