A few things here…

1) auto.leader.rebalance.enable can have serious performance impacts on
larger clusters. It’s currently in need of some development work to enable
it to batch leader elections into smaller groups and back off between them,
as well as have a better backoff after broker startup. I don’t recommend
using it.

2) auto.leader.rebalance.enable is not going to get you what you’re looking
for. It only changes the leader for a partition to the “optimal” leader (I
put that in quotes because it’s a pretty dumb algorithm. It’s whichever
replica is listed first). It does not move partitions around to assure you
have a balance of traffic across the cluster.

If you want to rebalance partitions, you have a couple options right now:
1) Run kafka-reassign-partitions.sh. It will move all of the partitions
around and try and assure an even count on each broker. It does not balance
traffic, however, (if you have a really busy partition and a really slow
partition, it considers them equal).
2) Use an external tool like https://github.com/linkedin/kafka-tools
kafka-assigner. This is a script we developed at LinkedIn for doing
operations that involve moving partitions around and provides a number of
different ways to rebalance traffic.

There are other tools available for doing this, but right now it requires
something external to the Apache Kafka core.


On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:30 PM, karan alang <karan.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Fpr Re-balancing Kafka partitions, we can set property ->
> *auto.leader.rebalance.enable = true in server.properties file.*
> *Is that the recommended way or is it better to reBalance the kafka
> partitions manually ?(using *scripts - *kafka-preferred-replica-
> election.sh,
> *
> *kafka-reassign-partition.sh)*
> *One of the blogs mentioned that - it is preferable to Re-balance Kafka
> topics manually, since setting   *
> *auto.leader.rebalance.enable = true causes issues.*
> Pls let me know.
> Any other best practices wrt. Re-balancing kafka topics ?
> thanks!

*Todd Palino*
Senior Staff Engineer, Site Reliability
Data Infrastructure Streaming


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