Unf this notion isn't applicable: "...At the end of a time window..."

If you comb through the archives of this group you'll see many questions
about notifications for the 'end of an aggregation window' and a similar
number of replies from the Kafka group stating that such a notion doesn't
really exist. Each window is kept open so that late arriving records can be
incorporated. You can specify the lifetime of a given window but you don't
get any sort of signal when it expires. A record that arrives after said
expiration will trigger a new window to be created.

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Stephen Powis <spo...@salesforce.com>

> Hey! I was hoping I could get some input from people more experienced with
> Kafka Streams to determine if they'd be a good use case/solution for me.
> I have multi-tenant clients submitting data to a Kafka topic that they want
> ETL'd to a third party service.  I'd like to batch and group these by
> tenant over a time window, somewhere between 1 and 5 minutes.  At the end
> of a time window then issue an API request to the third party service for
> each tenant sending the batch of data over.
> Other points of note:
> - Ideally we'd have exactly-once semantics, sending data multiple times
> would typically be bad.  But we'd need to gracefully handle things like API
> request errors / service outages.
> - We currently use Storm for doing stream processing, but the long running
> time-windows and potentially large amount of data stored in memory make me
> a bit nervous to use it for this.
> Thoughts?  Thanks in Advance!
> Stephen

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