Hi all,

I have a weird situation here.  I have deleted a few topics on my
cluster (old, I know...).  The deletes succeeded according to the

[2017-07-20 16:40:31,175] INFO [TopicChangeListener on Controller 1]: New
topics: [Set()], deleted topics:
[Set(perf_doorway-supplier-adapter-uat_raw)], new partition replica
assignment [Map()]
[2017-07-20 16:40:33,507] INFO [TopicChangeListener on Controller 1]: New
topics: [Set()], deleted topics:
[Set(perf_doorway-supplier-scheduler-uat_raw)], new partition replica
assignment [Map()]
[2017-07-20 16:40:36,504] INFO [TopicChangeListener on Controller 1]: New
topics: [Set()], deleted topics: [Set(perf_gocontent-uat_raw)], new
partition replica assignment [Map()]
[2017-07-20 16:40:38,290] INFO [TopicChangeListener on Controller 1]: New
topics: [Set()], deleted topics: [Set(perf_goplatform-uat_raw)], new
partition replica assignment [Map()]

I query Zookeeper and the path is not there under /brokers/topics as well.

But, one of the nodes in my cluster continues to try and use them:

[2017-07-20 17:04:36,723] ERROR Conditional update of path
with data
and expected version 69 failed due to
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode =
NoNode for
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,723] INFO Partition
[perf_doorway-supplier-scheduler-uat_raw,3] on broker 1: Cached zkVersion
[69] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating ISR
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,723] INFO Partition
[perf_doorway-supplier-scheduler-uat_raw,3] on broker 1: Cached zkVersion
[69] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating ISR
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,764] INFO Partition [perf_goplatform-uat_raw,2] on
broker 1: Shrinking ISR for partition [perf_goplatform-uat_raw,2] from 1,0
to 1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,764] INFO Partition [perf_goplatform-uat_raw,2] on
broker 1: Shrinking ISR for partition [perf_goplatform-uat_raw,2] from 1,0
to 1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,765] ERROR Conditional update of path
/brokers/topics/perf_goplatform-uat_raw/partitions/2/state with data
and expected version 70 failed due to
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode =
NoNode for /brokers/topics/perf_goplatform-uat_raw/partitions/2/state
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,765] ERROR Conditional update of path
/brokers/topics/perf_goplatform-uat_raw/partitions/2/state with data
and expected version 70 failed due to
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode =
NoNode for /brokers/topics/perf_goplatform-uat_raw/partitions/2/state
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,765] INFO Partition [perf_goplatform-uat_raw,2] on
broker 1: Cached zkVersion [70] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip
updating ISR (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,765] INFO Partition [perf_goplatform-uat_raw,2] on
broker 1: Cached zkVersion [70] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip
updating ISR (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,981] INFO Partition [perf_gocontent-uat_raw,1] on
broker 1: Shrinking ISR for partition [perf_gocontent-uat_raw,1] from 1,0
to 1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,981] INFO Partition [perf_gocontent-uat_raw,1] on
broker 1: Shrinking ISR for partition [perf_gocontent-uat_raw,1] from 1,0
to 1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,988] ERROR Conditional update of path
/brokers/topics/perf_gocontent-uat_raw/partitions/1/state with data
and expected version 90 failed due to
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode =
NoNode for /brokers/topics/perf_gocontent-uat_raw/partitions/1/state
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,988] ERROR Conditional update of path
/brokers/topics/perf_gocontent-uat_raw/partitions/1/state with data
and expected version 90 failed due to
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode =
NoNode for /brokers/topics/perf_gocontent-uat_raw/partitions/1/state
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,988] INFO Partition [perf_gocontent-uat_raw,1] on
broker 1: Cached zkVersion [90] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip
updating ISR (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2017-07-20 17:04:36,988] INFO Partition [perf_gocontent-uat_raw,1] on
broker 1: Cached zkVersion [90] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip
updating ISR (kafka.cluster.Partition)

I've tried a rolling restart of the cluster to see if that fixed it, but it
did not.

Can someone please help me out here?  I'm not sure how I can get things
back in sync.

Thank you so much for your time.

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