
On Tue, 1 Aug 2017 at 08:34 Debasish Ghosh <ghosh.debas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi -
> I have a Kafka Streams application that needs to run on multiple instances.
> It fetches metadata from all local stores and has an http query layer for
> interactive queries. In some cases when I have new instances deployed,
> store migration takes place making the current metadata invalid. Here are
> my questions regarding some of the best practices to be followed to handle
> this issue of store migration -
>    - When the migration is in process, a query for the metadata may result
>    in InvalidStateStoreException - is it a good practice to always have a
>    retry semantics based query for the metadata ?

Yes. Whenever the application is rebalancing the stores will be
unavailable, so retrying is the right thing to do.

>    - Should I check KafkaStreams.state() and only assume that I have got
>    the correct metadata when the state() call returns Running. If it
>    returns Rebalancing, then I should re-query. Is this correct approach ?

Correct again! If the state is rebalancing, then the metadata (for some
stores at least) is going to change, so you should get it again. You can
set a StateListener on the KafkaStreams instance to listen to these events.

> regards.
> --
> Debasish Ghosh
> http://manning.com/ghosh2
> http://manning.com/ghosh
> Twttr: @debasishg
> Blog: http://debasishg.blogspot.com
> Code: http://github.com/debasishg

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