Hi Anish,

Could you give more info on how you create the state stores in your code? Also 
could you copy-paste the exact error message from the log?

> On Aug 4, 2017, at 9:05 AM, Anish Mashankar <an...@systeminsights.com> wrote:
> I have a new application, call it streamsApp with state stores S1 and S2.
> So, according to the documentation, upon the first time startup, the
> application should've created the changelog topics streamsApp-S1-changelog
> and streamsApp-S2-changelog. But I see that these topics are not created.
> Also, the application throws an error that it couldn't find any partition
> for topics *streamsApp-S1-changelog and streamsApp-S2-changelog *and then
> exits*. *To get it working, I manually created the topics, but I am
> skeptical because the docs say that this convention might change any time.
> I am using Kafka Streams v0.11, with a Kafka Broker v0.11, but message
> protocol set to v0.10.0. Am I missing something?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Anish Samir Mashankar
> R&D Engineer
> System Insights
> +91-9789870733

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