Thanks Dave. We may not want to start using schema registery immediately . We 
would have java producers and consumers . I might also go with using byte 
messages  but when  consumer de serilize how can they  map the byte[] to the 
correct Avro object  For example:

KafkaConsumer<String,A> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerConfig,new 
StringDeserializer(),new AvroDeserializer<>(A));

How does consumer  know A is the avro class when there could be other classes 
like B,C and D denoting different schemas?.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tauzell, Dave [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 8:30 AM
Subject: RE: Different Schemas on same Kafka Topic

It does.  The way it works is that the Avro serializer precedes each message 
with a two-byte integer that references a schema id in the confluent schema 
registry.   The Avro deserializer looks at this value to determine which schema 
to de-serialize with.   In order for this to work you need to use the java 
client on both ends and have the schema registry setup.

We have some slightly different needs ( including non-java languages) so we are 
just using byte messages and then have our applications do the serialization 
and deserialization.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shajahan, Nishanth []
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 5:13 PM
Subject: Different Schemas on same Kafka Topic


Does kafka support writing different    avro record types(very different 
schema) to the same topic . I  guess we would have to write our own avro 
serializer and de serializer to do this ?. Is there a preferred way to do this 
?.It would be great if some one can point me in the right direction.


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