We did a bunch of sampling to no particular aid, broadly speaking the
answer was "it's doing a bunch of talking".

For those who might want to know what this was in the end, during part of
our previous debugging we enabled `javax.net.debug=all` and didn't twig
that that had no effect on the log4j logs, and didn't notice the vast
number of iops to `kafkaServer.out`.  Writing that log was eating all the

On 23 September 2017 at 00:44, jrpi...@gmail.com <jrpi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One thing worth trying is hooking up to 1 or more of the brokers via JMX
> and examining the running threads;  If that doesn't elucidate the cause,
> you could move onto sampling or profiling via JMX to see what's taking up
> all that CPU.
> - Jordan Pilat
> On 2017-09-21 07:58, Elliot Crosby-McCullough <elliot.crosby-mccullough@
> freeagent.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We've been trying to debug an issue with our kafka cluster for several
> days
> > now and we're close to out of options.
> >
> > We have 3 kafka brokers associated with 3 zookeeper nodes and 3 registry
> > nodes, plus a few streams clients and a ruby producer.
> >
> > Two of the three brokers are pinning a core and have been for days, no
> > amount of restarting, debugging, or clearing out of data seems to help.
> >
> > We've got the logs at DEBUG level which shows a constant flow much like
> > this: https://gist.github.com/elliotcm/e66a1ca838558664bab0c91549acb251
> >
> > As best as we can tell the brokers are up to date on replication and the
> > leaders are well-balanced.  The cluster is receiving no traffic; no
> > messages are being sent in and the consumers/streams are shut down.
> >
> > From our profiling of the JVM it looks like the CPU is mostly working in
> > replication threads and SSL traffic (it's a secured cluster) but that
> > shouldn't be treated as gospel.
> >
> > Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > All the best,
> > Elliot
> >

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