Apologies for bumping my own post, but really hoping someone has experience
with MirrorMaker who might be able to help with my question below. :)


On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Chris Neal <cwn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been struggling with this for awhile and need some help please. :)
> I have a source cluster running Kafka with about 900 topics.
> I have a target cluster running Kafka 0.10.2 with those same topics
> pre-created with the same number of partitions per topic as the source
> cluster.
> I'm running Mirror Maker from the Kafka version, and cannot seem
> to get the produced records to go anywhere besides partition 0 of all these
> topics. :(
> I found this page to be helpful WRT performance tuning, but it did not
> solve my partition producer problem:
> https://community.hortonworks.com/articles/79891/kafka-
> mirror-maker-best-practices.html
> My consumer.config:
> ======================================
> zookeeper.connect=zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181
> group.id=prod_perf_mirrormaker2_new1
> num.consumer.fetchers=1100
> client.id=MirrorMakerConsumer_perf
> ======================================
> My producer config:
> ======================================
> metadata.broker.list=kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092
> compression.codec=gzip
> producer.type=async
> batch.num.messages=1000
> message.send.max.retries=2
> client.id=MirrorMakerProducer_perf
> ======================================
> My start script:
> ======================================
> #!/bin/sh
> export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx2G -Xms2G"
> /home/chris.neal/kafka_2.9.2-
> kafka.tools.MirrorMaker \
> --producer.config /home/chris.neal/mirror_maker/prod_perf/producer.properties
> \
> --consumer.config /home/chris.neal/mirror_maker/prod_perf/consumer.properties
> \
> --num.streams=10 \
> --whitelist '<snip long list of about 60 topics>'
> ======================================
> I do know that there is some combination of "num.streams" and
> "num.consumer.fetchers" that should get it working, but I can't figure out
> what that combination is.
> All topics have the same setup of 10 partitions per topic.
> Can anyone shed some light on how to make this go across all 10
> partitions, and not just partition 0?
> Thank you SO much for your time and help.
> Chris

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