Hello *

I am running Kafka(**) on windows from the past one year ...

But off late there has been unique Broker issues that I have observed 4-5
times in
last 4 months.

Kafka setup cofig...

*3 ZK Instances running on 3 different Windows Servers, 7 Kafka Broker
nodes running on single windows machine with different disk for logs
directory.... *

*My Kafka has 2 Topics with partition size 50 each , and replication factor
of 3.*

*My partition logic selection*: Each message has a unique ID and logic of
selecting partition is ( unique ID % 50), and then calling Kafka producer
API to route a specific message to a particular topic partition .

But of-late there has been a unique case that's cropping out in Kafka
broker nodes,
[2017-12-02 02:47:40,024] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-4], Error for
partition [__consumer_offsets,15] to broker
4:org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException: This
server is not the leader for that topic-partition.

The entire server.log is filled with these logs, and its very huge too ,
please help me in understanding under what circumstances these can occur,
and what measures I need to take..



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