Thanks Jan, super helpful!  To summarize (I hope I've got it right), there
are only two ways for external applications to access data derived from a

1.  Inside the streams application that builds the KTable, create a and expose to the outside via a service.

2.  Convert the KTable to a stream and write to a new Kafka topic.  Then
external apps can just consume this feed.  If we only care about the latest
updates, make the topic log-compacted.



On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 1:42 AM, Jan Filipiak <>

> Hi,
> you should be able to retrieve your store with
> java/org/apache/kafka/streams/
> This would give you access to the store from inside your current
> application. In your Streams application your could then
> expose this Store with a say REST or any other RPC interface, to let
> applications from outside your JVM query it.
> So i would say the blogpost still applies quite well.
> Hope this helps
> Best Jan
> On 07.12.2017 04:59, Peter Figliozzi wrote:
>> I've written a Streams application which creates a KTable like this:
>> val myTable: KTable[String, GenericRecord] = myStream
>>      .groupByKey()
>>      .aggregate(myInitializer, myAdder, myStore)
>> where myStore was configured like this:
>> val myStore
>>      : Materialized[String, GenericRecord, KeyValueStore[Bytes,
>> Array[Byte]]] =
>>      Materialized
>>        .as("my-store")
>>        .withKeySerde(Serdes.String())
>>        .withValueSerde(genericValueSerde)
>> What I'd like to do now is query (read) this store from a separate
>> application.  How do I query it in 1.0.0?  With a KTable constructor,
>> using
>> the store string as the topic, i.e.:
>> public <K,V> KTable<K,V> table(
>> java.lang.String topic,
>> Materialized<K,V,KeyValueStore<org.apache.kafka.common.
>> utils.Bytes,byte[]>>
>> materialized)
>> Or some other way?
>> I saw this blog post
>> <
>> in-apache-kafka-streams/>
>> but it appears to be only applicable to the older version of Kafka (please
>> correct me if I'm wrong).
>> Thanks,
>> Pete

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