Hi, all

I'm trying to optimize the long tail latency in kafka.
My OS is centos 4.3 kernel 2.6.32. Java version 1.8.0_45
kafka version 0.10.2.
The disk is sata HDD.

My log:

[2017-12-22 15:29:58,156] TRACE [ReplicaFetcherThread-2-1], Follower 2 has
replica log end offset 10428 for partition kafka-monitor-topic-0. Received
241 messages and leader hw 10428 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2017-12-22 15:29:58,621] TRACE Appended 241 to
/home/disk0/kafka/kafka-monitor-topic-0/00000000000000000000.log at offset
10428 (kafka.log.LogSegment)

It took about 500ms to append log the disk. Is there any way to optimize
I've set vm.swapness = 1, but it didnt help, could anyone give some
suggestions (other than switching to ssd)?

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