> Merging two tables does not make too much sense because each table might
contain an entry for the same key. So it's unclear, which of both values
the merged table should contain.

Which of both values should the table contain? Seems straightforward: it
should contain the value with the highest timestamp, with non-deterministic
behavior when two timestamps are the same.

ср, 26 июля 2017 г. в 9:42, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>:

> Merging two tables does not make too much sense because each table might
> contain an entry for the same key. So it's unclear, which of both values
> the merged table should contain.
> KTable.toStream() is just a semantic change and has no runtime overhead.
> -Matthias
> On 7/26/17 1:34 PM, Sameer Kumar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a way I can merge two KTables just like I have in KStreams api.
> > KBuilder.merge().
> >
> > I understand I can use KTable.toStream(), if I choose to use it, is there
> > any performance cost associated with this conversion or is it just a API
> > conversion.
> >
> > -Sameer.
> >

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