Hi all,
I reconfigured my kafka cluster, changing:

-  default replication factor from 1 to 3 and also
- changing the location of the kafka data dir on disk

So after restarting all nodes, the cluster seemed ok  but then I noticed
all the topics are failing to come online. In the logs there are messages
like this for each topic:

state-change.log: [2018-02-01 12:41:42,176] ERROR Controller 826437096
epoch 19 initiated state change for partition [filedrop,0] from
OfflinePartition to OnlinePartition failed (state.change.logger)

 So none of the topics are usable; Listing topics with kafkacat -L -b shows
leaders not availabil

Metadata for all topics (from broker -1: lol-045:9092/bootstrap):
 7 brokers:
  broker 826437096 at lol-044:9092
  broker 746155422 at lol-047:9092
  broker 651737161 at lol-046:9092
  broker 728512596 at lol-048:9092
  broker 213763378 at lol-045:9092
  broker 622553932 at lol-049:9092
  broker 746727274 at lol-050:9092
 14 topics:
  topic "lol.stripped" with 3 partitions:
    partition 2, leader -1, replicas: , isrs: , Broker: Leader not available
    partition 1, leader -1, replicas: , isrs: , Broker: Leader not available
    partition 0, leader -1, replicas: , isrs: , Broker: Leader not available

 However, newly created topics are correctly replicated and healthy

  topic "lol-kafka-health" with 3 partitions:
    partition 2, leader 622553932, replicas: 622553932,213763378,651737161,
isrs: 622553932,213763378,651737161
    partition 1, leader 213763378, replicas: 622553932,213763378,826437096,
isrs: 213763378,826437096,622553932
    partition 0, leader 826437096, replicas: 213763378,746727274,826437096,
isrs: 826437096,746727274,213763378

 So I think some kind of metadata corruption happened during the reconfigure

 My question is:

- Is there any way I can get these topic partitions online again ?

Given that:
 - the broker ids were changed during the reconfigure
 - the zookeeper cluster for kafka went down temporarily during the

In addition, are there some procedures  I can use to investigate how
recoverable these topics are?

Many thanks in advance!

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