I take a look the errata page, and I saw that Paolo had already entered the 
errata. But is unconfirmed for the moment

PDF     Page 166
Figure 8-5

The labels on the topics/partitions are all the same: "Topic A, Partition 0". I 
think they should be (from top to bottom): "Topic A, Partition 0" "Topic B, 
Partition 0" "Topic __conusmer_offsets"
        Paolo Baronti   Dec 01, 2017

De : adrien ruffie <adriennolar...@hotmail.fr>
Envoyé : jeudi 8 février 2018 22:14:53
À : users@kafka.apache.org
Objet : mistake in Kafka the definitive guide

Hello all,

I'm reading Kafka the definitive guide and I suspect that found an error in the 
page 166 figure "Figure 8-5 a fail over causes committed offsets without 
matching records".

In the figure we can't see Topic B ... specified in the box "Group C1, Topic B, 
Parition 0, Offset 6" ... the figure is not correct?

Thus, I don't really understand the figure ...

best regards,


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