Yes, the clients do not connect to Zookeeper anymore. You can create a
loadbalancer which will point to all your Kafka brokers and use the address
of such loadbalancer as the "bootstrap server" in your clients. The clients
will use the loadbalancer and connect to one of the Kafka brokers and get
metadata from this broker. And with these metadata they will connect to the
different leaders as needed.


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Sivaprakash <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just trying to understand how Zookeeper works with Kafka in recent
> versions. Document says Zookeeper need not be connected by Producer and
> Subscriber.
> How to assign a static IP to the whole cluster (anything like load
> balancer) ? I want my producers to use only one IP or domain to publish
> data irrespective of Kafka Broker Leader.

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