Hi Adrien,

log.dirs exists to facilitate multiple data directories which allows more 
than one disk to be used without the need for RAID. This increases 
throughput but beware of naive load balancing that may fill up one disk 
way before another.

When log.flush.interval.ms is null the log.flush.interval.messages 
property is not used. With default settings, messages are written to disk 

Hope this helps.

Tom Aley

From:   adrien ruffie <adriennolar...@hotmail.fr>
To:     "users@kafka.apache.org" <users@kafka.apache.org>
Date:   20/02/2018 20:46
Subject:        broker properties explanations

Hello all,

after reading several properties in Kafka documentations, I asked mysleft 
some questions ...

these 2 following options are available:

log.dir The directory in which the log data is kept (supplemental for 
log.dirs property)        string  /tmp/kafka-logs         high
log.dirs        The directories in which the log data is kept. If not set, 
the value in log.dir is used
But in fact, if is the same thing, why only "log.dirs" isn't kept ? What's 
difference in usage ?

Also I noticed that the "data" of logs partition and also the 
"application" logs of Kafka are written in the same directory.

Is a mistake of my part ? Because it's very strange for me to log error, 
debug, warn application message in the same location of my data ...

After that I don't very understand why the log.flush.interval.messages 
have a so big default value ???

log.flush.interval.messages     The number of messages accumulated on a 
log partition before messages are flushed to disk       long 
And the log.flush.interval.ms is by default null ... ?

It means that until there are so many messages (9223372036854775807) in my 
topics, they will not be flushed to disk ? It can be very long for a 
default value ....

Best regards,


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