Sameer when you say that you need to "consume from and produce to a topic"
to me that seems like a good fit for Kafka Streams.  Streaming your data
out of Kafka for a transform and back in has some fundamental costs and
operational challenges involved.  Are the events in your stream stateless?
If it isn't stateless streams will ensure a consistent playback of events
if needed.  Without knowing more about your pipeline it is hard to make
recommendations.  Are you possibly using Kafka as a distributed queue?

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 6:29 AM Sameer Rahmani <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I need to consume from and produce to a topic. I have my own data pipeline
> to process the data.
> So I was wondering beside the stores and StreamDSL what does Kafka Streams
> brings to the table
> that might be useful to me ?

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