Did you try with  --new-consumer  ?


> On Mar 20, 2018, at 10:26 AM, Anand, Uttam <uttam.an...@bnsf.com> wrote:
> I am facing an issue while consuming message using the bootstrap-server i.e. 
> Kafka server. Any idea why is it not able to consume messages without 
> zookeeper?
> Kafka Version -: kafka_2.11-1.0.0
> Zookeeper Version -: kafka_2.11-1.0.0
> Server.properties -: Attached
> Zookeeper Host and port -: z <http://zkp02.mp.com:2181/>kp02.mp.com:2181 
> <http://zkp02.mp.com:2181/>
> Kafka Host and port -: kfk03.mp.com:9092 <http://kfk03.mp.com:9092/>
> Producing some message  -:
> [kfk03.mp.com <http://kfk03.mp.com/> ~]$ 
> /bnsf/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list kfk03.mp.com 
> <http://kfk03.mp.com:9092/>:9092 <http://kfk03.mp.com:9092/> --topic test
> >hi
> >hi
> Consumer not able to consume message if I give –bootstrap-server  -:
> [kfk03.mp.com <http://kfk03.mp.com/> ~]$
> /bnsf/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kfk03.mp.com 
> <http://kfk03.mp.com:9092/>:9092 <http://kfk03.mp.com:9092/> --topic test 
> --from-beginning
> Consumer able to consume messages when zookeeper server is given instead of 
> bootstrap-server -:
> [kfk03.mp.com <http://kfk03.mp.com/> ~]$ 
> /bnsf/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper zkp02.mp.com:2181 
> <http://zkp02.mp.com:2181/> --topic test --from-beginning
> Using the ConsoleConsumer with old consumer is deprecated and will be removed 
> in a future major release. Consider using the new consumer by passing 
> [bootstrap-server] instead of [zookeeper].
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> hi
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> {"properties": {"messageType": "test", "sentDateTime": 
> "2018-02-25T21:46:00.000+0000"}, "name": "Uttam Anand", "age": 29}
> hi
> hi
> uttam
> hi
> hi
> hi
> hello
> hi
> ^CProcessed a total of 17 messages
> Thanks
> Uttam 

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