I see the official upcoming Confluent 4.1 Docker images are still using
Debian 8 (Jessie) and the July 2016 release of Azul JDK 8, 8u102-


Wouldn't it make more sense to use the recent supported/LTS versions of
these products: Debian 9 (Stretch) and the January 2018 Azul JDK 8,

Or, if you are using the Azul JDK on Debian, maybe it makes sense to base
off of the official Azul JDK Debain Docker image as in `FROM

The infrastructure team at my company is pushing everyone to update all
Debian 8 servers to Debian 9, which makes sense now that Debian 9 has been
out a while and had patches and is the preferred Debian version to use for
new servers. I could make my own Confluent Docker images, but it's
nicer/safer to use the official ones if possible.


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