Kafka brokers version:
Kafka client version:

If we have two KafkaConsumer using the same group.id (running in the same
process or in two different processes) and one of them is closed, it
triggers a rebalance in the other KafkaConsumer even if they were
subscribed to different topics.
I suppose that brokers must be taking into account only the group.id for a
rebalance and not the subscribed topics corresponding to the pair
(group_id,member_id) of the LeaveGroupRequest but I'm wondering if this is
the expected behavior or it's something that should be improved?

I guess that is probably the first option to avoid a more complex rebalance
in the broker and considering that the solution is very simple, i.e. just
use different group ids for different KafkaConsumer that subscribe to
different topics even if they are running in the same process.


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