
We are currently using GlobalKTables for interactive queries as well as for
lookups inside stream applications but have come across some
The main problem was that our deployments including application start took
longer with every new global state store we added which cause some
operational issues because a timeout of 10 minutes was reached.
As this was not expected from the documentation I investigated a little:
According to the documentation the call the KafkaStreams start method
should always return immediately and not block the calling thread.

*Start the KafkaStreams instance by starting all its threads. This function
is expected to be called only once during the life cycle of the
threads are started in the background, this method does not block.*

But if one (or more) GlobalStateStores are initialized then this call will
take a considerable amount of time and block.
This happens because the GlobalStreamThread only changes to running after
initialize() is done which does all the state restore etc in loops.
An inquiry to the support yielded the answer that this was working as
designed and the documentation will be updated.

While we have worked around the issue by asynchronously calling the start
method the question remains why this is intended?

If I understand https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6205 correctly
the topology should not be initialized before the state stores are
restored, so why is it necessary to handle global state stores differently
than local ones in this aspect?
Additionally, for global state stores all stores and partitions are
initialized sequentially while local state stores are always handled in
parallel (per store and for all partitions)

Any help is welcome, maybe it would be worth a KIP to improve this
A code sample as well as logs for both cases can be found below.

best regards


PS: Sample code to reproduce, just switch between GlobalKTable and KTable,
the topic used should have 10+ partitions and contain a few 100K records to
show some meaningful results:

import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsBuilder;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.GlobalKTable;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KTable;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.Materialized;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;

public class TestTables {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String TOPIC_NAME = "testtables";

        Properties streamsConfiguration = new Properties();

        StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();

        GlobalKTable<String, String> testtable =
builder.globalTable(TOPIC_NAME, Materialized.with(Serdes.String(),
        //KTable<String, String> testtable = builder.table(TOPIC_NAME,
Materialized.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));

        final KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(),

        streams.setStateListener((state, state1) -> {
            if (state == KafkaStreams.State.RUNNING && state1 ==
                System.out.println("Running " + new Date());
        System.out.println("Starting " + new Date());
        System.out.println("Started " + new Date());

        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ignored


Log for KTable:
Starting Fri Aug 24 20:17:19 CEST 2018

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG KafkaStreams:759 - stream-client
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7] Starting Streams client

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamThread:713 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Starting

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] State
transition from CREATED to RUNNING

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  KafkaStreams:782 - stream-client
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7] Started Streams client

Started Fri Aug 24 20:17:19 CEST 2018

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Metadata:265 - Cluster ID: 6YtMshjsT_WQNwRGhTyc4A

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:605 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Discovered group coordinator broker2:9292 (id:
2147483645 rack: null)

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  ConsumerCoordinator:411 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Revoking previously assigned partitions []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamThread:279 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] at state
RUNNING: partitions [] revoked at the beginning of consumer rebalance.

current assigned active tasks: []

current assigned standby tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] State

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  KafkaStreams:261 - stream-client
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7] State transition from

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG TaskManager:238 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Suspending
all active tasks [] and standby tasks []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamThread:299 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] partition
revocation took 1 ms.

suspended active tasks: []

suspended standby tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:442 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] (Re-)joining group

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG InternalTopologyBuilder:1881 - [testtables]found
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1]  topics
possibly matching regex

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG InternalTopologyBuilder:1275 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] updating
builder with SubscriptionUpdates{updatedTopicSubscriptions=[testtables]}
topic(s) with possible matching regex subscription(s)

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:302 - stream-thread
Constructed client metadata
state=[activeTasks: ([]) standbyTasks: ([]) assignedTasks: ([])
prevActiveTasks: ([]) prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity: 1]}} from the
member subscriptions.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:634 - stream-thread
Starting to validate internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:658 - stream-thread
Completed validating internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:391 - stream-thread
Created repartition topics [] from the parsed topology.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:634 - stream-thread
Starting to validate internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG InternalTopicManager:201 - stream-thread [main]
Could not get number of partitions for topic

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG InternalTopicManager:98 - stream-thread [main]
Going to create topic
testtables-testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000-changelog with 12 partitions
and config {cleanup.policy=compact}.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:658 - stream-thread
Completed validating internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:465 - stream-thread
Created state changelog topics
topicConfigs={}), numPartitions=12)] from the parsed topology.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:475 - stream-thread
Assigning tasks [0_0, 0_1, 0_2, 0_3, 0_4, 0_5, 0_6, 0_7, 0_8, 0_9, 0_10,
0_11] to clients {8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7=[activeTasks: ([])
standbyTasks: ([]) assignedTasks: ([]) prevActiveTasks: ([])
prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity: 1]} with number of replicas 0

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamPartitionAssignor:481 - stream-thread
Assigned tasks to clients as
{8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7=[activeTasks: ([0_0, 0_1, 0_2, 0_3,
0_4, 0_5, 0_6, 0_7, 0_8, 0_9, 0_10, 0_11]) standbyTasks: ([])
assignedTasks: ([0_0, 0_1, 0_2, 0_3, 0_4, 0_5, 0_6, 0_7, 0_8, 0_9, 0_10,
0_11]) prevActiveTasks: ([]) prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity: 1]}.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:409 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Successfully joined group with generation 9

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  ConsumerCoordinator:256 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Setting newly assigned partitions [testtables-0,
testtables-8, testtables-7, testtables-6, testtables-5, testtables-4,
testtables-3, testtables-2, testtables-1, testtables-11, testtables-10,

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamThread:247 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] at state
PARTITIONS_REVOKED: partitions [testtables-0, testtables-8, testtables-7,
testtables-6, testtables-5, testtables-4, testtables-3, testtables-2,
testtables-1, testtables-11, testtables-10, testtables-9] assigned at the
end of consumer rebalance.

current suspended active tasks: []

current suspended standby tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] State

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG TaskManager:120 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Adding
assigned tasks as active: {0_0=[testtables-0], 0_1=[testtables-1],
0_2=[testtables-2], 0_3=[testtables-3], 0_4=[testtables-4],
0_5=[testtables-5], 0_6=[testtables-6], 0_7=[testtables-7],
0_8=[testtables-8], 0_9=[testtables-9], 0_10=[testtables-10],

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_0] Created
state store manager for task 0_0 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_0] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_1] Created
state store manager for task 0_1 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_1] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_2] Created
state store manager for task 0_2 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_2] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_3] Created
state store manager for task 0_3 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_3] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_4] Created
state store manager for task 0_4 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_4] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_5] Created
state store manager for task 0_5 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_5] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_6] Created
state store manager for task 0_6 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_6] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_7] Created
state store manager for task 0_7 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_7] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_8] Created
state store manager for task 0_8 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_8] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_9] Created
state store manager for task 0_9 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_9] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_10] Created
state store manager for task 0_10 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_10] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:96 - task [0_11] Created
state store manager for task 0_11 with the acquired state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:332 - task [0_11] Register
global stores []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  StreamThread:266 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] partition
assignment took 28 ms.

current active tasks: [0_0, 0_1, 0_2, 0_3, 0_4, 0_5, 0_6, 0_7, 0_8, 0_9,
0_10, 0_11]

current standby tasks: []

previous active tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:83 - stream-thread
Initializing stream tasks [0_0, 0_1, 0_2, 0_3, 0_4, 0_5, 0_6, 0_7, 0_8,
0_9, 0_10, 0_11]

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_0

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_0]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_0 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_1

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_1]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_1 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_2

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_2]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_2 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_3

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_3]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_3 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_4

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_4]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_4 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_5

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_5]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_5 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_6

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_6]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_6 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_7

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_7]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_7 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_8

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_8]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_8 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_9

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_9]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_9 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_10

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_10]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_10 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StateDirectory:163 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Acquired
state dir lock for task 0_11

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG ProcessorStateManager:113 - task [0_11]
Registering state store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000 to its state

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:89 - stream-thread
Transitioning stream task 0_11 to restoring

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Metadata:265 - Cluster ID: 6YtMshjsT_WQNwRGhTyc4A

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:165 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Start
restoring state stores from changelog topics [testtables-0, testtables-11,
testtables-10, testtables-9, testtables-8, testtables-7, testtables-6,
testtables-5, testtables-4, testtables-3, testtables-2, testtables-1]

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-10 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-7 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-4 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-1 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-11 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-8 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-5 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-2 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-0 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-9 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-6 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-3 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-0 from offset 0 to endOffset 41766

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-11 from offset 0 to endOffset 67870

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-10 from offset 0 to endOffset 62880

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-9 from offset 0 to endOffset 66798

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-8 from offset 0 to endOffset 62851

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-7 from offset 0 to endOffset 66015

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-6 from offset 0 to endOffset 68018

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-5 from offset 0 to endOffset 61515

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-4 from offset 0 to endOffset 39368

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-3 from offset 0 to endOffset 68995

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-2 from offset 0 to endOffset 38719

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:201 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Restoring
partition testtables-1 from offset 0 to endOffset 62722

2018-08-24 20:17:19 DEBUG StreamThread:1007 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Committed
all active tasks [0_0, 0_1, 0_2, 0_3, 0_4, 0_5, 0_6, 0_7, 0_8, 0_9, 0_10,
0_11] and standby tasks [] in 0ms

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-5 with 34769 records ranging from
offset 0 to 34769

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-2 with 30916 records ranging from
offset 0 to 30916

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_2 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_5 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-11 with 37275 records ranging
from offset 0 to 37275

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_11 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-8 with 37177 records ranging from
offset 0 to 37177

2018-08-24 20:17:26 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_8 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:28 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-1 with 37028 records ranging from
offset 0 to 37028

2018-08-24 20:17:28 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_1 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:28 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-4 with 32595 records ranging from
offset 0 to 32595

2018-08-24 20:17:28 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_4 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-10 with 36822 records ranging
from offset 0 to 36822

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-7 with 36723 records ranging from
offset 0 to 36723

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_7 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_10 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-3 with 36600 records ranging from
offset 0 to 36600

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_3 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-9 with 36169 records ranging from
offset 0 to 36169

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_9 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-6 with 35650 records ranging from
offset 0 to 35650

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_6 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG StoreChangelogReader:267 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] Completed
restoring state from changelog testtables-0 with 32356 records ranging from
offset 0 to 32356

2018-08-24 20:17:29 DEBUG AssignedStreamsTasks:264 - stream-thread
transitioning stream task 0_0 to running

2018-08-24 20:17:29 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7-StreamThread-1] State

2018-08-24 20:17:29 INFO  KafkaStreams:261 - stream-client
[testtables-8ca25259-6bb2-4bc1-9293-fc05e1b28ce7] State transition from

Running Fri Aug 24 20:17:29 CEST 2018

Log for GlobalKTable:

Starting Fri Aug 24 20:19:04 CEST 2018

2018-08-24 20:19:04 DEBUG KafkaStreams:759 - stream-client
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086] Starting Streams client

2018-08-24 20:19:04 DEBUG StateDirectory:192 - stream-thread
Acquired global state dir lock

2018-08-24 20:19:04 INFO  Metadata:265 - Cluster ID: 6YtMshjsT_WQNwRGhTyc4A

2018-08-24 20:19:04 INFO  GlobalStateManagerImpl:158 - global-stream-thread
Restoring state for global store testtables-STATE-STORE-0000000000

2018-08-24 20:19:04 INFO  Metadata:265 - Cluster ID: 6YtMshjsT_WQNwRGhTyc4A

2018-08-24 20:19:04 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-8 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:07 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-2 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:10 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-11 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:12 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-5 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:15 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-4 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:18 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-7 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:20 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-1 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:22 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-10 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:24 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-9 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:27 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-3 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:33 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-6 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:37 INFO  Fetcher:561 - [Consumer
groupId=] Resetting offset for partition testtables-0 to offset 0.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  GlobalStreamThread:157 - global-stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-GlobalStreamThread] State
transition from CREATED to RUNNING

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:713 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] Starting

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] State
transition from CREATED to RUNNING

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  KafkaStreams:782 - stream-client
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086] Started Streams client

Started Fri Aug 24 20:19:39 CEST 2018

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  Metadata:265 - Cluster ID: 6YtMshjsT_WQNwRGhTyc4A

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:605 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Discovered group coordinator broker2:9292 (id:
2147483645 rack: null)

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  ConsumerCoordinator:411 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Revoking previously assigned partitions []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamThread:279 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] at state
RUNNING: partitions [] revoked at the beginning of consumer rebalance.

current assigned active tasks: []

current assigned standby tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] State

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  KafkaStreams:261 - stream-client
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086] State transition from

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG TaskManager:238 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] Suspending
all active tasks [] and standby tasks []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:299 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] partition
revocation took 0 ms.

suspended active tasks: []

suspended standby tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:442 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] (Re-)joining group

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG InternalTopologyBuilder:1881 - [testtables]found
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1]  topics
possibly matching regex

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG InternalTopologyBuilder:1275 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] updating
builder with SubscriptionUpdates{updatedTopicSubscriptions=[testtables]}
topic(s) with possible matching regex subscription(s)

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:302 - stream-thread
Constructed client metadata
state=[activeTasks: ([]) standbyTasks: ([]) assignedTasks: ([])
prevActiveTasks: ([]) prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity: 1]}} from the
member subscriptions.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:634 - stream-thread
Starting to validate internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:658 - stream-thread
Completed validating internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:391 - stream-thread
Created repartition topics [] from the parsed topology.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:634 - stream-thread
Starting to validate internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:658 - stream-thread
Completed validating internal topics in partition assignor.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:465 - stream-thread
Created state changelog topics [] from the parsed topology.

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamPartitionAssignor:475 - stream-thread
Assigning tasks [] to clients
{cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086=[activeTasks: ([]) standbyTasks: ([])
assignedTasks: ([]) prevActiveTasks: ([]) prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity:
1]} with number of replicas 0

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamPartitionAssignor:481 - stream-thread
Assigned tasks to clients as
{cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086=[activeTasks: ([]) standbyTasks: ([])
assignedTasks: ([]) prevActiveTasks: ([]) prevAssignedTasks: ([]) capacity:

2018-08-24 20:19:39 WARN  ConsumerCoordinator:376 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] The following subscribed topics are not assigned to any
members: [testtables]

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  AbstractCoordinator:409 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Successfully joined group with generation 11

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  ConsumerCoordinator:256 - [Consumer
groupId=testtables] Setting newly assigned partitions []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 DEBUG StreamThread:247 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] at state
PARTITIONS_REVOKED: partitions [] assigned at the end of consumer rebalance.

current suspended active tasks: []

current suspended standby tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] State

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:266 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] partition
assignment took 0 ms.

current active tasks: []

current standby tasks: []

previous active tasks: []

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  StreamThread:200 - stream-thread
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086-StreamThread-1] State

2018-08-24 20:19:39 INFO  KafkaStreams:261 - stream-client
[testtables-cb808539-c805-4cd8-8467-4ebf618bb086] State transition from

Running Fri Aug 24 20:19:39 CEST 2018

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