What is your poll time for consumers poll() method?

On Thu, 30 Aug 2018, 16:23 Cristian Petroaca, <cpetro...@fitbit.com.invalid>

> Ok, so I mixed things up a little.
> I started with the kafka Server being configured to auto create topics.
> That gave the error.
> But turning the auto create off and creating the topic with AdminUtils
> does not show the error and the consumer actually polls for messages.
> I did not modify the “default.replication.factor” for auto created topics
> and that has as default 1. So I’m not sure why I would see the error in the
> first place?
> Even though I don’t see the error anymore and my consumer polls for
> messages, it does not receive any messages. I am waiting a reasonable
> amount of time (1min) after the producer created the messages.
> An independent console consumer connected to the same borker and topic
> does receive them.
> My consumer config does not seem exotic as in to create such a situation.
> Any reason for not receiving messages?
> Thanks
> On 30/08/2018, 11:25, "Cristian Petroaca" <cpetro...@fitbit.com.INVALID>
> wrote:
>     Yes.
>     In my programmatic env I first create it with:
>     AdminUtils.createTopic(zkUtils, topic, 1, 1, new Properties(),
> RackAwareMode.Enforced$.MODULE$);
>     So partitions = 1 and replication = 1.
>     The same for the remote broker, I created the topic –partitions 1
> –replication-factor 1
>     Are there any other reasons for that error?
>     On 29/08/2018, 18:06, "M. Manna" <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Does the topic exist in both your programmatic broker and remote
> broker?
>         Also, are the topic settings same for partitions and replication
> factor?
>         GROUP_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE is enforced as of 0.11.x if the
>         auto-created topic partition/replication-factor setup doesn't match
>         with server's config. So you might want to check all these.
>         Regards,
>         On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 15:55, Cristian Petroaca
>         <cpetro...@fitbit.com.invalid> wrote:
>         > Tried it, same problem with 9092.
>         > By the way, the same consumer works with a remote 1.0.1 Kafka
> broker with
>         > the same config.
>         > There doesn’t seem to be any networking issues with the embedded
> one since
>         > the consumer successfully sends Find Coordinator messages to it
> and the
>         > broker responds with Coordinator not found.
>         >
>         >
>         > On 29/08/2018, 17:46, "M. Manna" <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         >
>         >     So have you tried binding it to 9092 rather than randomising
> it, and
>         > see if
>         >     that makes any difference?
>         >
>         >     On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 15:41, Cristian Petroaca
>         >     <cpetro...@fitbit.com.invalid> wrote:
>         >
>         >     > Port = 0 means Kafka will start listening on a random port
> which I
>         > need.
>         >     > I tried it with 5000 but I get the same result.
>         >     >
>         >     >
>         >     > On 29/08/2018, 16:46, "M. Manna" <manme...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         >     >
>         >     >     Can you extend the auto.commit.interval.ms to 5000 ?
> and retry?
>         > Also,
>         >     > why
>         >     >     is your port set to 0?
>         >     >
>         >     >     Regards,
>         >     >
>         >     >     On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 14:25, Cristian Petroaca
>         >     >     <cpetro...@fitbit.com.invalid> wrote:
>         >     >
>         >     >     > Hi,
>         >     >     >
>         >     >     > I’m using the Kafka lib with version 2.11_1.0.1.
>         >     >     > I use the KafkaServer.scala class to
> programmatically create a
>         > Kafka
>         >     >     > instance and connect it to a programmatically
> created Zookeeper
>         >     > instance.
>         >     >     > It has the following properties:
>         >     >     > host.name", ""
>         >     >     > "port", "0"
>         >     >     > "zookeeper.connect", "" + zooKeeperPort
>         >     >     > "broker.id", "1"
>         >     >     > auto.create.topics.enable", "true"
>         >     >     > "delete.topic.enable", "true"
>         >     >     >
>         >     >     > I then create a new Kafka Consumer with the following
>         > properties:
>         >     >     > bootstrap.servers", “” + kafkaPort
>         >     >     > "auto.commit.interval.ms", "10"
>         >     >     > “client_id”, “xxxx”
>         >     >     > “enable.auto.commit”, “true”
>         >     >     > “auto.commit.interval.ms”, “10”
>         >     >     >
>         >     >     > My problem is that after I subscribe the consumer to
> a custom
>         > topic,
>         >     > the
>         >     >     > consumer just blocks in the .poll() method and I see
> a lot of
>         >     > messages like:
>         >     >     > “Group coordinator lookup failed: The coordinator is
> not
>         > available.”
>         >     >     >
>         >     >     > I read on another forum that a possible problem is
> that the
>         >     >     > _consumer_offsets topic doesn’t exist but that’s not
> the case
>         > for me.
>         >     >     >
>         >     >     > Can you suggest a possible root cause?
>         >     >     >
>         >     >     > Thanks,
>         >     >     > Cristian
>         >     >     >
>         >     >
>         >     >
>         >     >
>         >
>         >
>         >

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