We have a Kafka 0.11.xx version setup.
So the system topic which is __consumer_offset, we are looking at many such
topics like __consumer_offset-1,2,4.....
So one topic in particular,is now having log segments which is contributing
to 5GB of data.
I had a look at our server.properties file but couldnot find a property
called offsets.retention.minutes (found via Google).
So we are assuming Kafka will take the default value for such properties.
So based on the default value of offset.retention.minutes property which is
I guess 24 hours,but still we can see log segments older than few month.
So my question is ,is it safe to have that consumer_offset-7 topic (having
5GB of log segments) deleted.Would it affect kafka anyway that would b a
problem in production environment.
If deleting the topics is not a safe implementation,can you suggest a
different fix for this?

Thanks and Regards,
Kaushik Nambiar

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