Hello, We have a Kafka 0.11.xx version setup. So the system topic which is __consumer_offset, we are looking at many such topics like __consumer_offset-1,2,4..... So one topic in particular,is now having log segments which is contributing to 5GB of data. I had a look at our server.properties file but couldnot find a property called offsets.retention.minutes (found via Google). So we are assuming Kafka will take the default value for such properties. So based on the default value of offset.retention.minutes property which is I guess 24 hours,but still we can see log segments older than few months. So can you let us know where we are going wrong or a solution for this issue.would deleting the consumer offset topic manually help? If you can help us with a fix or a work around,that would be really helpful.
Your help is highly appreciated.