Congrats Colin! The was over due for some time :)


On 9/25/18 1:51 AM, Edoardo Comar wrote:
> Congratulations Colin !
> --------------------------------------------------
> Edoardo Comar
> IBM Event Streams
> IBM UK Ltd, Hursley Park, SO21 2JN
> From:   Ismael Juma <>
> To:     Kafka Users <>, dev <>
> Date:   25/09/2018 09:40
> Subject:        [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Colin McCabe
> Hi all,
> The PMC for Apache Kafka has invited Colin McCabe as a committer and we 
> are
> pleased to announce that he has accepted!
> Colin has contributed 101 commits and 8 KIPs including significant
> improvements to replication, clients, code quality and testing. A few
> highlights were KIP-97 (Improved Clients Compatibility Policy), KIP-117
> (AdminClient), KIP-227 (Incremental FetchRequests to Increase Partition
> Scalability), the introduction of findBugs and adding Trogdor (fault
> injection and benchmarking tool).
> In addition, Colin has reviewed 38 pull requests and participated in more
> than 50 KIP discussions.
> Thank you for your contributions Colin! Looking forward to many more. :)
> Ismael, for the Apache Kafka PMC
> Unless stated otherwise above:
> IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
> 741598. 
> Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

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