
* verify you shutdown cleanly when restarting the broker
* test restarting the broker first before upgrading it (it may have been
sitting on a corrupt file for a long time and the issue is unrelated to the

re your questions:

1) probably not, unless it was caused by an unclean shutdown, in which case
shutdown cleanly. :)
2) probably not, since the indexes are rebuilt.

FWIW i've done a bunch of 1.1.0 -> 2.0 upgrades and haven't had this issue.
For sure have seen it in the past though.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 2:09 AM Claudia Wegmann <c.wegm...@kasasi.de> wrote:

> Dear community,
> I updated my kafka cluster from version 1.1.0 to 2.0.0 according to the
> upgrade guide for rolling upgrades today. I encountered a problem after
> starting the new broker version. The log is full of
> "Found a corrupted index file corresponding to log file
> /data/kafka-logs/resultGatewayDataDispatcher-22/00000000000002858226.log
> due to Corrupt time index found, time index file
> (/data/kafka-logs/resultGatewayDataDispatcher-22/00000000000002858226.timeindex)
> has non-zero size but the last timestamp is 0 which is less than the first
> timestamp 1538583935827}, recovering segment and rebuilding index files...
> (kafka.log.Log)"
> Said recovering takes quite a bit of time.
> Now I'm not too keen to do the broker update in the production environment
> because of the relative long processing pause.
> The questions are:
> 1.) Is there a way to avoid this error and therefore make starting the new
> broker faster?
> 2.) Does the error imply any data loss?
> Any help is apricated 😊
> Best,
> Claudia

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