You can add the config *props.put("
<>", 5000);* to your cases, and re-test it.

飞翔的加菲猫 <> 于2018年10月18日周四 上午10:47写道:

> Sorry for bothering. I don't know whether it is a bug. Maybe something
> wrong in my test or there is explanation for it. Could any Kafka master
> help take a look? Thanks lot.
> Ruiping Li
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> 发件人: "526564746"<>;
> 发送时间: 2018年10月12日(星期五) 下午4:42
> 收件人: "users"<>;
> 主题: New increased partitions could not be rebalance, until stop all
> consumers and start them
>  Hi Kafka team,
> I meet a strange thing about Kafka rebalance. If I increase partitions of
> a topic which subscribed by some java consumers(in same one group), there
> is no rebalance occur. Furthermore, if I start a new consumer (or stop one)
> to cause a rebalance, the increased partitions could not be assigned, until
> I stop all consumers and start them. Is that normal?
> Thanks,
> Ruiping Li
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Below is my test:
> 1. Start Kafka, ZK. Create a normal topic(test-topic) with 1 partitions
> $ ./bin/ --zookeeper --create --topic
> test-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --config 
> 2. Start 2 java consumers (C1, C2), subscribe test-topic
> 3. Increase 2 partitions of test-topic
> $ ./bin/ --zookeeper --alter --topic
> test-topic --partitions 3
> WARNING: If partitions are increased for a topic that has a key, the
> partition logic or ordering of the messages will be affected
> Adding partitions succeeded!
> Increasing succeeded:
> $ ./bin/ --zookeeper --describe --topic
> test-topic
> Topic:test-topic    PartitionCount:3    ReplicationFactor:1    Configs:
>     Topic: test-topic    Partition: 0    Leader: 0    Replicas: 0    Isr:
> 0
>     Topic: test-topic    Partition: 1    Leader: 0    Replicas: 0    Isr:
> 0
>     Topic: test-topic    Partition: 2    Leader: 0    Replicas: 0    Isr:
> 0
> There is no rebalance occur in C1, C2.
> 4. Start a new consumer C3 to subscribed test-topic. Rebalance occur, but
> only partition test-topic-0 involved in reassigned, no test-topic-1 and
> test-topic-2.
> 5. I try to stop C2, C3, and test-topic-1 and test-topic-2 still not be
> assigned.
> 6. Stop all running consumers, and then start them. All test-topic-0,1,2
> assigned normally.
> Environment
> kafka & java api version: kafka_2.12-2.0.0 (I also tried kafka_2.11-1.0.0
> and kafka_2.10-, same result)
> zookeeper: 3.4.13
> consumer code:
> // consumer
> public class KafkaConsumerThread extends Thread {
>     // consumer settings
>     public static org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer<String,
> String> createNativeConsumer(String groupName, String kafkaBootstrap) {
>         Properties props = new Properties();
>         props.put("bootstrap.servers", kafkaBootstrap);
>         props.put("", groupName);
>         props.put("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
>         props.put("", true);
> props.put("key.deserializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");
> props.put("value.deserializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");
>         return new KafkaConsumer<String, String>(props);
>     }
>     private static final Logger log =
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaConsumerThread.class);
>     private boolean stop = false;
>     private KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer;
>     private String topicName;
>     private ConsumerRebalanceListener consumerRebalanceListener;
>     private AtomicLong receivedRecordNumber = new AtomicLong(0);
>     public KafkaConsumerThread(String topicName, String groupName,
> ConsumerRebalanceListener consumerRebalanceListener, String kafkaBootstrap)
> {
>         this.consumer = createNativeConsumer(groupName, kafkaBootstrap);
>         this.topicName = topicName;
>         this.consumerRebalanceListener = consumerRebalanceListener;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void run() {
>"Start consumer ..");
>         consumer.subscribe(Collections.singleton(topicName),
> consumerRebalanceListener);
>         while (!stop) {
>             try {
>                 ConsumerRecords<String, String> records =
> consumer.poll(100);
>                 receivedRecordNumber.addAndGet(records.count());
>                 Iterator<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> iterator =
> records.iterator();
>                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {
>                     ConsumerRecord<String, String> record =
>           "Receive [key:{}][value:{}]", record.key(),
> record.value());
>                 }
>             } catch (TimeoutException e) {
>       "no data");
>             }
>         }
>         consumer.close();
>     }
>     public void stopConsumer() {
>         this.stop = true;
>     }
> }

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