It all depends on which type of consumer you are using. If you use an old 
(original) consumer, you must specify one or more zookeepers since group 
management info is stored in zookeeper. If you use a new consumer, group 
management is handled by the kafka cluster itself so you must specify one or 
more brokers in the bootstrap-server list. Kafka has supported both original 
and new  consumer styles since 0.9.

In summary, kafka stores consumer group info in zookeeper only if you are using 
the old consumer style. It is a consumer-specific setting entirely independent 
of topic configuration.

-- Peter

> On Oct 22, 2018, at 7:49 PM, 赖剑清 <> wrote:
> Hi, Kafka users:
> I tried to gain the information of topic-consumer groups using 
> And I found commands below receive different infos:
> ./ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
> ./ --list --new-consumer --bootstrap-server 
> localhost:9092
> I suppose the first command get data from zookeeper while the second one from 
> the coordinator and my question is:
> When Kafka store group information in zookeeper? When in coordinator?
> Is there any parameter I can specify while creating topic or beginning a new 
> consumer group to make sure these information store in exactly destination?
> Version of the broker is and the client is in Java.

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