
I am trying to build a custom sequence to authenticate the clients.
According to documentation, I need to create 2 different Callback:

sasl.login.callback.handler.class -> I am assuming this is for the
first time connect request comes then I should create a JWT token
inside this Callback

sasl.server.callback.handler.class -> This is the one validating token

It is really not clear the use of those 2 different implementation.

So I wanted to give a try, but I am getting error from the Callback
handle function during the server is starting

My expectation, handle function should work only when a client tries
to connect ?

I am confused please help on this one


Kafka version: 2.0.0

My sequence:

  - Clients will have token and send it to Kafka for verification

  - No inter-broker authentication required

Config details:

listener.security.protocol.map = INSIDE:PLAINTEXT,OUTSIDE:SASL_PLAINTEXT

listeners = INSIDE://:9092,OUTSIDE://:9094

sasl.enabled.mechanisms = [OAUTHBEARER]





Thanks for the help

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