Without looking into how the integration tests work my best guess is within
the context they were written to run in, it doesn't make sense to run them
against a remote cluster.  The "internal" cluster is running the same code,
so why require having to coordinate with an external dependency?

For the use case you gave, and I'm not sure if tests exist that cover this
behavior or not -- Running the brokers locally in the context of the tests
mean that those tests have control over the brokers (IE shut them off,
restart them, etc.. programmatically) and validate behavior.  To coordinate
these operations on a remote broker would be significantly more difficult.

Not sure this helps...but perhaps you're either asking the wrong questions
or trying to go about solving your problem using the wrong set of tools?
My gut feeling says if you want to do a full scale multi-server load / HA
test, Kafka's test suite is not the best place to start.


On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 10:53 AM Parviz deyhim <dey...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking to see who has done this before and get some guidance. On
> frequent basis I like to run basic tests on a remote Kafka cluster while
> some random chaos/faults are being performed. In other words I like to run
> chaos engineering tasks (network outage, disk outage, etc) and see how
> Kafka behaves. For example:
> 1) bring some random Broker node down
> 2) send 2000 messages
> 3) consumes messages
> 4) confirm there's no data loss
> My questions: I'm pretty sure most of the scenarios I'm looking to test
> have been covered under Kafka's integration,unit and other existing tests.
> What I cannot figure out is how to run those tests on a remote cluster vs.
> a local one which the tests seems to run on. For example I like to run the
> following command but the tests to be executed on a remote cluster of my
> choice:
> ./gradlew cleanTest integrationTest
> Any guidance/help would be appreciated.
> Thanks

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