I have a 3 node,3 zookeeper Kafka cluster of a version 0.11.x.x
I could see everytime after a reboot,all of my topics are lost.
I found in Google that the data is lost if it's stored in /TMP/Kafka-logs

But in our case the Kafka and the zookeeper data is stored in one of our
persistent disk's.

[ Server.properties file ]

Log.dirs = /persistent disk/kafka-logs

Also I could see that the topic data was intact after the reboot was
I could see the older messages produced in the above mentioned folder.

The same is the case with zookeeper data.( Maintained over a persistent

So everytime I reboot though the data is still in place....I am not able to
produce or consume.
I get the error that the topic doesnt exists.

Any ideas or inputs on this behaviour.
I am running Kafka on an Ubuntu server

Kaushik Nambiar

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