
could you please be more specific on your use case?
One of the theoretical advantages of a system like kafka is that you can
decouple producers and consumers, so you don't need to to do backpressure.
A different topic is how to handle lagging consumers, in that scenario you
could scale up your service, etc.


El mar., 19 feb. 2019 a las 15:43, Filipp Zhinkin (<filipp.zhin...@gmail.com>)

> Hi!
> I'm trying to implement backpressure mechanism that asks producers to
> stop doing any work when consumers are not able to process all
> messages in time (producers require statistics calculated by consumers
> in order to answer client requests, when consumers are lagging behind
> we have to stop producers from making any responses).
> I see several ways to implement it:
> - compute lag on consumer side and store it somewhere (zk, some db, etc);
> - use separate service like Burrow;
> - compute lag on every producer by getting commited and end offsets
> for every partition via consumer API.
> Are there any downsides of the latter approach? Would is negatively
> impact brokers performance?
> Thanks,
> Filipp.

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