Yes, to the best of our knowledge. We had the option to take the cluster down 
on Sat, so we stopped everything, upgraded the software, set interbroker and 
message version to 2.1 and restarted. On Sun we did another rolling restart of 
all 4 brokers.

All looked good after that (and we had done the same in test and preprod where 
we didn't see such behavior)

CU, Joe

Am 13. März 2019 00:22:51 MEZ schrieb "M. Manna" <>:
>When you upgraded, did you follow the rolling upgrade instruction from
>Kafka site ? And changed message version etc. as described on the site
>On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 23:20, Joe Ammann <> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> last weekend we have upgraded a small cluster (4 brokers) from
>> to 2.1.0. Everything seemed to go well on the weekend.
>> For 2 nights in a row we now had an strange behaviour on one of the 4
>> nodes. At almost exactly 00:08 in both nights, 1 out of the 4 brokers
>> stopped writing anything to any of the logs for about 7 minutes. The
>> other 3 brokers soon after started issuing exceptions "Connection to
>> was disconnected before the response was read" [1] for all the
>> partitions that this broker was the leader. So far so good. What I
>> have expected was that this broker would have been "taken out of the
>> cluster" and another broker to become the leader of the partitions in
>> question.
>> But after ~7 minutes, that broker started to log things again (all
>> looked like normal processing) while the other 3 brokers kept on
>> messages "Failed to connect within 30000 ms" [2]. This kept on going
>> until we detected the situation in the morning. During this time, all
>> listeners on partitions lead by this broker did not get any messages
>> (but also not any errors). After the restart of the broker, thing
>> normalized and a flurry of messages which was sent in the night were
>> received by the listeners. So the message have actually been produced
>> and stored on the erroneous broker, just not delivered and
>> What we discovered before restarting the broker was that lsof showed
>> thousands of connections like
>>     java    2977050 user 2579u  sock                0,6        0t0
>> 517152881 can't identify protocol
>> The total number of files was very close to 4096 (but the ulimit of
>> process was actually 64k).
>> Our best guess is that something in the JVM (not necessarily Kafka
>> itsself, we're running some monitoring tools in the JVM) did some
>> of housekeeping around midnight, failed to close some connections
>> properly (hence the many files with "can't identify protocol" and
>> brought the JVM into a state where it was unable to accept new
>> connections. It seemed like it could hold the established connection
>> Zookeeper, the node was registered under /brokers/ids when we checked
>> the morning. Still we were very surprised that this broker kept on
>> working to some extent and that no failover to another leader was
>> initiated.
>> Anybody have an idea what to look for? Maybe increase some log levels
>> get more insight into what's happening?
>> --
>> CU, Joe
>> [1]
>> [2019-03-11 00:10:36,528] WARN [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=4,
>> fetcherId=0] Error in response for fetch request (type=FetchRequest,
>> replicaId=4, maxWait=500, minBytes=1, maxBytes=10485760,
>> fetchData={__consumer_offsets-24=(offset=149155836, logStartOffset=0,
>> maxBytes=1048576, currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[813])},
>> isolationLevel=READ_UNCOMMITTED, toForget=,
>> epoch=1244473)) (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
>> Connection to 5 was disconnected before the
>> was read
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:257)
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>> [2]
>> [2019-03-11 02:59:51,144] WARN [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=4,
>> fetcherId=0] Error in response for fetch request (type=FetchRequest,
>> replicaId=4, maxWait=500, minBytes=1, maxBytes=10485760,
>> fetchData={__consumer_offsets-0=(offset=0, logStartOffset=0,
>> maxBytes=1048576, currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[817]),
>> __consumer_offsets-28=(offset=0, logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[873]), PR4_CLONE_LIST_1-0=(offset=0,
>> logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> __consumer_offsets-4=(offset=860199640, logStartOffset=0,
>> currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[868]), __consumer_offsets-16=(offset=0,
>> logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> __consumer_offsets-36=(offset=0, logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[825]), __consumer_offsets-12=(offset=0,
>> logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> __consumer_offsets-40=(offset=0, logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[864]), __consumer_offsets-48=(offset=5,
>> logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576,
>> __consumer_offsets-24=(offset=149155836, logStartOffset=0,
>> maxBytes=1048576, currentLeaderEpoch=Optional[813])},
>> isolationLevel=READ_UNCOMMITTED, toForget=,
>> epoch=INITIAL)) (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
>> Failed to connect within 30000 ms
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:257)
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at

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