Your connector sounds a lot like this one

I do not think you can run such a connector in distributed mode though.
Typically something like this runs in standalone mode to avoid conflicts.


On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 1:08 AM Venkata S A <> wrote:

> Hello Team,
>               I am developing a custom Source Connector that watches a
> given directory for any new files. My question is in a Distributed
> environment, how will the tasks in different nodes handle the file Queue?
>               Referring to this sample
> <
> >
> ,
> poll() in SourceTask is polling the directory at specified interval for a
> new files and fetching the files in a Queue as below:
> Queue<File> queue = ((DirWatcher) task).getFilesQueue();
> >
> So, When in a 3 node cluster, this is run individually by each task. But
> then, How is the synchronization happening between all the tasks in
> different nodes to avoid duplication of file reading to kafka ?
> Thank you,
> Venkata S

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