1) Are all 10 publishers producing to the same topic? What level of ACKs do
you have set? How many partitions are in your topic? Are all 10 consumers
in the same consumer group or are they supposed to be independent consumers
that each get the full set of messages published?
2) Depends what you are measuring (latency, throughput, or something else)?
If you publish first then your consumer has to consume either from the
beginning or in real-time and will only get messages published AFTER it
successfully subscribes. With 10 consumers you could generate a lot of
rebalancing if you don't start and balance them ahead of time.


On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 8:45 AM M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to do some performance testing using Kafka-Consumer-Perf-Test.
> Could somone please help me understand whether my setup is correct?
> 1) I would like to run a benchmark test to have 10 publishers publishing
> 100 messages (4MB) each and 10 subscribers.
> 2) For the above, do I need to run PRoducer first and then Consumer? Or, is
> it okay just to run consumer-perf-test ?
> Thanks,

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