There is no out-of-the-box way to tell a consumer to not consume an offset 
until it is x minutes old. Your best bet is encode the creation time into the 
message themselves and add some processing logic into your consumer. Let’s 
assume your topic has a single partition or your partitions are keyed to 
guarantee message order. Your consumer could work like this in pseudo-code:

consumer loop:
        consume message
        if (current time - message.timestamp) >= 15 minutes
                process message
                sleep 15 minutes - (current time - message.timestamp)
                process message

Since the messages enter the topic in the order they were published, pausing on 
the current offset should never cause a bottleneck on the later messages. If 
you fall behind, the greater than or equal to logic will prevent your consumer 
from pausing until it has caught up to your desired delay.

This is a simplified scenario that may or may not map to your production use 
case, though.


> On May 22, 2019, at 11:12 AM, Pavel Molchanov <> 
> wrote:
> Andrien,
> Thank you for asking this question! I have the same problem and wanted to
> ask the same question. I hope that someone will answer soon.
> *Pavel Molchanov*
> On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 9:54 AM Adrien Ruffie <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a specific need and I don't know if a generic solution exist ...
>> maybe you can enlighten me
>> I need to delay each sended message about 15 mins.
>> Example
>> Message with offset 1 created at 2:41PM by the producer and received by the
>> consumer at 2:56PM
>> Message with offset 2 created at 2:46PM by the producer and received by the
>> consumer at 3:01PM
>> Message with offset 3 created at 2:46PM by the producer and received by the
>> consumer at 3:01PM
>> Message with offset 4 created at 3:01PM by the producer and received by the
>> consumer at 3:16PM
>> and so forth ...
>> any option, mechanism, producer/consumer implementations already exist ?
>> Thank a lot and best regards
>> Adrian

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