Hello everyone,

I am currently working on implementing simple authentication to a system
that manages topics and ACLs in our Kafka. The plan is to use a simple
login/password system, but instead of storing the user/password pairs
directly in JAAS configuation file we intend to store it in a PostgreSQL
database and check for them there;

I've found that the way to do it is to either implement custom class that
implements LoginModule and  point to it in the JAAS file passed in
KAFKA_OPTS; or to implement custom class for a CallbackHandler and set
sasl.client.callback.handler.class property.

However, I cannot achieve any kind of success with either of these
approaches. The container I run Kafka in won't start, telling me it
couldn't find the class.

My custom classes reside in a jar that I:
- put in the $(kafka_home)/libs directory
- pointed directly and indirectly in PATH and (or) CLASSPATH

So my question is:
- which of the approaches is the correct one - custom LoginModule or custom
- how do you inject your own classes into Kafka the right way?


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