
We are trying to test our GCP 3 node cluster based on some testing done
previously here


We have seen some inconsistencies in results. With 2.3.0 we are running
with the following producer params(single-threaded)


Our payload size is 100K and total 1000 messages. We are always getting
record expiration. So, we are slightly confused about what this perf test
tool is actually doing. With the above configuration, there shouldn't be
any record that will expire. The network has a latency, but that is nowhere
near 30s (default request timeout). For example, this is what we get after
our perf test.

1000 records sent, 2.772994 records/sec (0.26 MB/sec), 113187.14 ms avg
latency, 123025.00 ms max latency, 120032 ms 50th, 121516 ms 95th, 122262
ms 99th, 123025 ms 99.9th.

The rest of our producer configs are default OoB. Could anyone explain if
this is reasonable/expected, or something we've misunderstood?


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